What a wonderful day! A day to be proud of being a woman. Proud over the power that a joined movement can do for the rest of the world. For the advances witch affect half of the worlds population. It’s something that we definitely should think about everyday.
my enthusiasm kind of got let down when I heard about a quite stupid definition of the international women’s day. The key question was: Do we want equality in all levels? Do we want men’s negatives side as well? Like dictatorship or burping in public? Okey, I know the article was quite ironic but still, I got...tired.
Equality is not about breaking the patterns in the sense that women should start behaving like men. For me it’s about breaking pattern in the society and in our individual behaviour towards equality. Either way, I guess we all have different definitions of what feminism means to us. I’m curious about your opinion!? english spanish swedish men women or something unidentified. Write and get your thoughts out!
Te debo esta, ¡recuérdamelo cada vez que me veas!
SvaraRaderaFeminismo es definir a todo ser humano con los mismos derechos, posibilidades y obligaciones. Reconocer que existen estructuras en la sociedad que discriminan a las mujeres, que esto es injusto y que queremos hacer algo en contra de esta injusticia.