tisdag 23 mars 2010

adventures in the south

Plan loco:

Party Thursday night, don’t sleep just go directly to the bus station were you meet your friend to catch the 7 am bus to Granada. Sleep in the bus. Be one with the bus.

You arrive around 12. Eat some sandwiches from the supermarket. Take a nap in the Alhambra Park. Be one with nature. Enjoy the most beautiful town in Spain. Meet up with some friends, eat tapas, have some Alhambra beers then sangria from los chinos and enjoy the massive botellón (drinking in the streets). Sleep in some park. Be one with nature again.

Catch the 12 o’clock bus to Santa Fe (a village outside of Granada). Find your way to the underground/illegal Dragoff Festival by following kind hippies. Get there exhausted. Make camp and friends with some more kind hippies. Take a nap. Be one with the tent. Inaugurate your new shisha: Ramses. Enjoy the crazy and alternative festival. Be upset for the rain. Dance with punkies, hippies and perroflautas. Slip around in the mud. Be extremely happy for your borrowed rain boots. Buy a vegan hamburger from some german hippies. Get to know their 4 year old daughter called Luna. Sleep. Be one with the rain pool in your tent.

Wake up. Feel helpless for your wet clothes. Find your way back to Santa Fe by following hippies. Arrive in Granada at 13.10. Feel tired cuz your bus back to Madrid went at 13. Buy a new ticket. Arrive in Madrid tired, (still) wet, muddy but happy. Oh, so happy to be home.

3 kommentarer:

  1. I like this text :-)

  2. I wonder if you'll make it to Stockholm if you continue doing things like these.
    Yeah, I know, many times I'm there with you, but I'm more "experienced" ;)

  3. Pobrecita!!! :((( ya me contarás lo de la inundacion de las tiendas, a mi por suerte no me ha pasado. Onecha
