söndag 14 mars 2010

a couple of downs. a lot of pluses

These last couple of days has been filled with ups and downs. mostly ups :)

- Cold (with fever!)

- Infection in my piercing again! im taking antibiotics for the infection to go down and on the 24th of this month im taking it out!

+ Dj Steve Aokis gig at sala Heiniken

+Dinner in the dark, its as simple as the name. You simply eat in the dark flavouring the unknown food. This one gets an extra plus for the great host how also served chupitos (shots) in the darkness.

+ Danish dinner with the flat mates, must say that the Danish meatballs are better then the Swedish ones.

+ Concert: La roux. This one gets a – as well, but I learned my lesson: concerts where the bands only have one album are simply toooooo short. But I did enjoy the performance and the live music :)

+ Sunshine! We have sunshine! I feel completely filled with light, spring and happiness.

+ The Brian Jonestown Massacre, after a day of (intent of) studying at a friends house we watched the film Dig! A documentary about two rock bands in the unites states. Well, now I’m very fond of the band The Brian Jonestown Massacre. A nice song: Anenome Anemone Amenome Anemomnuonme Anenomznomz

peace and love

4 kommentarer:

  1. With guests like you, anyone can be a good host ;)

  2. i only have one word for you:

  3. Was the Antichronique concert in bruxelles too short?
    U just got ripped off at this laroux concert.
    Lets enjoy the Gladiators live next week ;)

  4. No, the antichronique concert had many band playing. A whole night with live music but this felt like 45 min. well well you live and you learn. i dont think that my economy will last if i go to the gladiators concert :(
