måndag 29 mars 2010


My music taste is very very broad but I never thought I would like Coplas. Although that all changed after seeing the teather piece No me hables de Felipe V. The piece is about a crazy man telling his life story and his life goal: Sing a Copla to his mother on the moon. His monolog and singing are incredible. It was one of those pieces that’s on for a month and I thought I would never see it again. I recently heard that they are doing a couple of more shows :D You can see it in the alternative theater Nudo Teatro in Malasaña. I strongly recommend you to go and see it!

Here is one song I really like :) Romance de Valentía.

tisdag 23 mars 2010

adventures in the south

Plan loco:

Party Thursday night, don’t sleep just go directly to the bus station were you meet your friend to catch the 7 am bus to Granada. Sleep in the bus. Be one with the bus.

You arrive around 12. Eat some sandwiches from the supermarket. Take a nap in the Alhambra Park. Be one with nature. Enjoy the most beautiful town in Spain. Meet up with some friends, eat tapas, have some Alhambra beers then sangria from los chinos and enjoy the massive botellón (drinking in the streets). Sleep in some park. Be one with nature again.

Catch the 12 o’clock bus to Santa Fe (a village outside of Granada). Find your way to the underground/illegal Dragoff Festival by following kind hippies. Get there exhausted. Make camp and friends with some more kind hippies. Take a nap. Be one with the tent. Inaugurate your new shisha: Ramses. Enjoy the crazy and alternative festival. Be upset for the rain. Dance with punkies, hippies and perroflautas. Slip around in the mud. Be extremely happy for your borrowed rain boots. Buy a vegan hamburger from some german hippies. Get to know their 4 year old daughter called Luna. Sleep. Be one with the rain pool in your tent.

Wake up. Feel helpless for your wet clothes. Find your way back to Santa Fe by following hippies. Arrive in Granada at 13.10. Feel tired cuz your bus back to Madrid went at 13. Buy a new ticket. Arrive in Madrid tired, (still) wet, muddy but happy. Oh, so happy to be home.

söndag 14 mars 2010

a couple of downs. a lot of pluses

These last couple of days has been filled with ups and downs. mostly ups :)

- Cold (with fever!)

- Infection in my piercing again! im taking antibiotics for the infection to go down and on the 24th of this month im taking it out!

+ Dj Steve Aokis gig at sala Heiniken

+Dinner in the dark, its as simple as the name. You simply eat in the dark flavouring the unknown food. This one gets an extra plus for the great host how also served chupitos (shots) in the darkness.

+ Danish dinner with the flat mates, must say that the Danish meatballs are better then the Swedish ones.

+ Concert: La roux. This one gets a – as well, but I learned my lesson: concerts where the bands only have one album are simply toooooo short. But I did enjoy the performance and the live music :)

+ Sunshine! We have sunshine! I feel completely filled with light, spring and happiness.

+ The Brian Jonestown Massacre, after a day of (intent of) studying at a friends house we watched the film Dig! A documentary about two rock bands in the unites states. Well, now I’m very fond of the band The Brian Jonestown Massacre. A nice song: Anenome Anemone Amenome Anemomnuonme Anenomznomz

peace and love

måndag 8 mars 2010

What a day!

What a wonderful day! A day to be proud of being a woman. Proud over the power that a joined movement can do for the rest of the world. For the advances witch affect half of the worlds population. It’s something that we definitely should think about everyday.

my enthusiasm kind of got let down when I heard about a quite stupid definition of the international women’s day. The key question was: Do we want equality in all levels? Do we want men’s negatives side as well? Like dictatorship or burping in public? Okey, I know the article was quite ironic but still, I got...tired.

Equality is not about breaking the patterns in the sense that women should start behaving like men. For me it’s about breaking pattern in the society and in our individual behaviour towards equality. Either way, I guess we all have different definitions of what feminism means to us. I’m curious about your opinion!? english spanish swedish men women or something unidentified. Write and get your thoughts out!


lördag 6 mars 2010

den svenska skammen

hur kommer det sig att mina spanska vänner kan mer om svensk musik än mig? som musikälskare ger det mig en stor skam. nåväl, ville dela med mig av denna otroligt sköna låt som en kompis rekommenderade mig. videon är inte dum den heller.

från svensk musik till det svenska språket. jag pratar nästan ingen svenska här i madrid och det märktes igår när jag pratade med ett par småländska vänner. jag uttrycker mig på ett spanskt/engelskt/svenskt sätt. jag använde diskotek som klubb (inte okey!!!). skammen är för stor, kan väl lika gärna stanna här.

puss o kräm

torsdag 4 mars 2010

La Pija Greenpeace

I guess its always interesting to know what other people think of you. The picture that you give the people you meet everyday and even more interesting: the picture that people have of you that knows you really well.

(that’s why I like the game orangino so much http://www.orangino.com/)

Since my time in Madrid i´ve heard some really funny descriptions of me. But the ones that amuse me the most is: La Pija (spanish word for snob) and Green Peace. In my opinion theres 4 reasons for the nick Pija:

- Spanish people think that snowboarding (due to my snowbord trip to Andorra) is a sport for snobs. Witch I kind of understand because, well, Spain is not the snowiest country.

- At one occasion I told that I did horse riding when I was little. This is more understandable but a lot of my (girl) friends did that when they were young as well but non of us comes from the Bernadotte family neither do we have mussel lunch everyday of the week.(hm might not of done that ever)

- My use of mac products

- The fact that im from Sweden, yeah we are all millionaires.

And the other “nick” Green Peace came after I put a note in the kitchen of how we should recycle. Yeah, ok I was tired of the mix in the garbage and to recycle is soooooo easy. And what other (maybe Swedish) way of dealing with the problem is better then putting up a note?

The other day my flatmates and me made dinner and the night ended with the game: everybody must say one positive subjective of another person. Talk about a confidence bust! Don’t know if it was the wine, the great compliments or simply being around people that likes you but we all were close to tears! Summa summarum: you are what you are: you.

Kärlek och Fred!