im done studying for to day. tomorrow i have an exam in my course organizations and international relations. my head is filled with worries about my exams and at the same time i'm also looking for a new room to rent. can´t seem to find the time for everything. tomorrow will look at two rooms in the barrio lavapiés, its the bohemian/multicultural zone of madrid. all dough i absolutely love my barrio malasaña i think its going to be a nice change.
after the exam and the flat- searching tomorrow im going to my first workshop of books cartoneras. Its a workshop for volunters to help out with creating recycled books. I guess i will know more after my first workshop :)
After that im meeting up with some swedish university friends thats visiting madrid this weekend. And for the night i'm still doubting if i'm going to Gogol Bordellos concert. I've never seen them live and i'm sure i will love it....but its quite expensive.....
yes, i have a lot of things on my mind and its spinning. i guess i will calm down after i found a room. wish me good luck to morrow!
peace and love
Best of luck!
SvaraRaderaBTW, I don't think Lavapiés is bohemian. I think that is around calle del Pez
thanks:) but WHAT?! With bohemian i mean a multicultural place, here there's a lot of hippies and alternative people. Calle pez only have the occupied house thats bohemian (and theres alot of occupied houses in madrid in general). I mean the high fashion bars, hotels and stores thats on calle pez says it all. Around lavapies theres not so many flashy, trendy things like there are in malasaña......