onsdag 30 juni 2010


Puerto Santa Maria, Cádiz

a million things has happen these past weeks.

I really like my persian classes :) we’r learning the alphabet and how to write.

I really like going to the tango lesions in Patio Maravillas.

I really like the recycle book workshop. I now know how to make an entire book J

I really like seeing The Village People live (im getting pumped up for 3 of july, gay pride in Madrid)

I really don’t like goodbyes. A lot of my erasmus friends are returning home and leaving Madrid a bit worse.

I really like my vacacions in the south. Spent 3 days in Puerto, Cádiz next to the beach with my love. It was the first time I felt like not going back to Madrid.

1 kommentar:

  1. Don't worry, I'm still here. And no more "bombas de humo" for the next months ;)

    This is the first year I won't go to the gay pride parade, 'cause Spain we'll be beating Paraguay!!
    Well, maybe I could have lunch, go to a bar to watch Argentina vs. Germany, then go to the parade for a while and, after that, go to watch de Spain game.
    I'll think about this ;)
